
High speed composite machine
  • TLGF high speed dry type composite machine

TLGF high speed dry type composite machine

Category:High speed composite machine

Summary:High speed dry type composite machine

National Advisory Service Hotline:0755-29783957


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TLGF series high speed dry type composite machine

■Non decelerating automatic switching material

■Shaftless air top loading

■Single touch screen control

■Double touch screen control (selection)

■Import and export material correction device

■Compound velocity:300m/min

■Composite width:1050mm~1650mm

■Oven length:8m

■Oven length:12m(選配)

■Upper and lower cutting (selection)

■Feed close system (selection)

The traditional solvent TLGF1050 type dry compound machine was put into operation in 2005.:

Order:TLGF high speed dry type composite machine

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